The angel of the LORD appeared to him and said, “Mighty hero, the LORD is with you!” Judges 6,12
Imagine, you are in the midst of your daily routine, the Lord is coming to you, and says: "Mighty HERO, the Lord is with you!"
I think you would be as surprised as Gideon was. He wasn´t praying or seeking the Lord. He was working and thinking how unbelievable the situation was in his nation. The people suffered from the cruelty of their enemies.
He hadn't a relationship with his Father in Heaven, instead, he was wondering, where the God of his ancestors is, and why he doesn't experience the wonders they told him from ancient times.
Aren't we in a similar situation? It seems as if there are too many people who don´t know Jesus, as that we could change anything in our nation for the good. This situation changes immediately when God is interrupting us. Mighty Hero, take your spiritual armor, as it is written in Ephesians 6.
God will give you the strategy, you need, to get your breakthrough. He has a special solution prepared for you, you only need to pray it from heaven to earth.
Be blessed and encouraged in HIS Love