What can you find here What is prayer anyway?
We ask God to give you insight into what he wants to achieve in your life and to fill you with wisdom and knowledge. Then you will honor the Lord with your life and please him with everything you do. In this way you will get to know God better and better. Colossians 1: 9-10 (NLT)
Prayer means talking to GOD. GOD wants to have a good relationship with his creation. Therefore, you will find scriptures on the following pages to encourage you to pray. Just tell your Heavenly Father what's on your mind.
Yes, you are right, he knows everything - so why should you tell him?
The answer is quite easy. Think about your relationship with your parents or children. If everyone just thinks about their needs, feelings, wishes ... How intense is the conversation then? And how strong is the relationship?
Scripture tells us:
Do not worry about anything, pray for everything. Tell God what you need and thank him. You will experience God's peace, which is greater than our human minds can ever comprehend. His peace will keep your hearts and minds in faith in Jesus Christ. Philippians 4: 6-7 (NLT)
In a few sentences, Jesus told his disciples how to pray:
Ask and it will be given to you. Search and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened for you. For whoever asks will be received. Whoever seeks will find. And the door will be opened to anyone who knocks. Matthew 7: 7-8 (NLT)
The most important thing about our relationship with GOD is written in the following verses:
The man replied: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and all your thoughts." And: "Love your neighbor as yourself." "Luke 10:27- 28 (NLT)
Our Heavenly Father,
your name is honored. Your kingdom is coming soon. May your will be fulfilled here on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts, just as we have forgiven those who owe us. Do not allow us to give in to temptation, but deliver us from evil. "Matthew 6: 9-13 (NLT)
In Jesus' name, amen.